Friday, June 1, 2007


Global warming or rising the earth temperature meant nothing to me before my project. I thought that if there will be a global warming that means summer will be hotter, but I found out that it is a big issue.
I learned from global warming project many things; the first important thing is that we all are the reason to the global warming, because the global warming is caused by human activities. Therefore if humans control the causes of global warming, there won’t be global warming. To be honest with you we all can stop and solve the global warming problem if we want, but we don’t. To approve what I am saying let me take the smokers example. If the smokers want to save the world they can easily do by putting out cigarettes, but they don’t. Another example is that rich and industrial countries are responsible for global warming whereas they don’t do any thing to that problem. Yes global warming can destroy the entire world but as the proverb says “you can take the horse to the river but you can’t make it drink”.

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